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Tackling Global Warming with the Lowly Fungi

So Cool: Tackling Global Warming with the Lowly Fungi

Fungi got little attention in the past and certainly not as a pathway for lowering carbon emissions. Mycologists are now researching Mycorrhiza, the symbiotic relationship of a plant and a fungus, and are already making surprising discoveries. The microscopic fungus that clings to tree roots is supplying the tree with nutrients and, in return, obtains nutrients from the tree. During this process is the absorption, release, and storage of carbon at various steps of nutrient exchanges. Fungi are proving to be efficient at retaining some of the carbon which means less carbon in the atmosphere. Should fungi be on environmental protection lists as one pathway to preventing some amount of global warming?

So Cool: Tackling Global Warming with the Lowly Fungi Read More »


Gentrification vs Revitalization: How We Can Create Social Equity Through Responsible Real Estate Development

If you’ve ever shopped around for an apartment or house, you’ve likely heard a neighborhood referred to as “up and coming.” The term is often a nicer way to say the area is going through gentrification – the process in which people of a different race and class move into an area that is historically

Gentrification vs Revitalization: How We Can Create Social Equity Through Responsible Real Estate Development Read More »

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