We often see projects proceed through their life cycle with an exhaust plume of data that is a by-product of delivery. By pooling this data and applying advanced data analytics and AI, it can be analysed to develop predictive insights and recommendations, tailored to the phase and specific circumstances of a project.
But is project data analytics hype or reality? Only you can decide, but what is for certain, is that it is disruptive and could have a significant impact on your career in the delivery projects and how you work. Unfortunately, it is often shrouded in tech speak and it all sounds very daunting. Within this session, Yoshi will provide a range of insights into:
The potential impact of project data analytics.
How to prepare yourself for the new future.
How to get started.
Advanced project data science and analytics have the potential to change the face of project management and project delivery forever. But the project management profession is slow to catch on. Together, we can shape a new future; letโs make it happen.