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Managing Variations in Construction Projects

Managing Variations in Construction Projects

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Variation can be defined as any change in form, character, kind, quality, quantity, line, level, position, alignment, or dimension of existing work or any additional work that the Engineer finds necessary, appropriate or desirable to complete works.

Variations to the construction project are extremely necessary because no design or project is perfect and complete in the beginning. In order to change the specification or the scope of works, a contract would, in principle must be re-negotiated. In order to avoid this, most contracts include a clause which enables the Employer’s team to vary the specification or the scope of works.

Through the variation clauses, the Employer is entitled to vary the works by way of an instruction and requiring the contractor to carry out or omit works. If that instruction results in more work than contracted for, the contractor will normally be entitled to payment for the additional works and may also be entitled to an extension of time for completion of the works if the carrying out of the works results in delay beyond the original completion date.

This presentation will provide a clear understanding on the definition, initiation and evaluation of variations in the construction projects based on the relevant contractual provisions and will cover the following:

Definition of variations
Need for variations
Understanding the relevant contractual provisions
Initiation of variations
Notification of variations
Preparation of variations
Submission and tracking of variations
Valuation of variations
Payment for variations

The presentation will highlight the importance of maintaining good relationship with the relevant parties, clear and concise understanding and approach on the issues and the requirement which would help in managing the variations effectively and concluding the Final Account successfully.

Johnson Neil

Director for Eben Johnson Consultants