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EV Training

Module 1: Transportation Electrification Basics

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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About this Training:

Welcome to Module 1: Transportation Electrification: B-A-S-I-C-S. This initial module serves as your gateway to the world of electric vehicles (EVs) and electric vehicle charging equipment (EVCE). You will gain foundational knowledge on emissions, EVCE infrastructure, and discover funding opportunities available in New York.

Training Objectives:

  1. Brief background on the history of transportation, how we evolved to the internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle, what is transportation electrification, and how transportation improvements continually create more accessible, faster, and cleaner ways to go places.
  2. Breakdown of the internal components of EV + ICE vehicles, highlighting the โ€˜well-to-wheelโ€™ efficiency of EVs and how inefficient ICE vehicles are, introducing the concept of emissions and climate change, and showing the efficiencies of fossil fuel power plants versus renewable energy production.
  3. Provide an introduction to what are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, how they can negatively impact the people and planet, and how disadvantaged communities are often more negatively impacted than other areas.
  4. Introduce climate policy in the United States and New York, identifying the State targets for GHG emission reduction, renewable energy production, EV Charging Station installation targets, EV registration targets, energy storage goals, and the years these are to be completed.
  5. Describe the basics of electricity, how it works, and electrical safety that teaches students to not work with electrical systems unless you are a trained professional, who knows what you are doing, and have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  6. Review the different levels of charging, where you can typically find these types of charging stations, how much power they produce, what types of connectors are available, how quickly each charging station can charge an EV, and an introduction to kilowatts, kilowatt hours, and cost per kilowatt hour.

Get Started Now – Important Steps for Completion

  • Complete the pre-survey before accessing the training materials.
  • After finishing the module, complete the post-survey.
  • Complete the evaluation for Module 1.
  • Take and pass the quiz with a score of 80% or higher to earn a certificate and advance to the next module.
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