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A World View Of Plastics- Consumption, Environment and Human health

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Plastic was once considered a valuable product that added convenience to people’s lives. Today, its manufacturing and disposal are proving to be a major source of greenhouse gases and air pollution, and its use can cause food contamination. Increasing research is also reporting a connection between plastic and health problems and environmental damage. In summary in this course on Plastics Consumption and Human health, there is a brief discussion of alternatives to current plastic manufacturing and disposal systems and what it will take to reduce plastic in food production and the environment.

What You Will learn

  • Describe Vengeri Village’s approach to reducing cancer rates through a reduction in exposure to plastic and chemicals in food
  • Detail the types of plastic and their relationship to cancer per current medical research
  • Review various plastic disposal systems commonly used
  • Give an overview of plastic’s impact on food and the environment
  • Discuss some alternatives to the current manufacturing and disposal of plastics




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