Key performance indicators (KPIs) refer to a set of quantifiable measurements used to gauge a project or programโs overall health and performance. The challenge lies in defining what indicators are important to you, how to measure them and report them in a meaningful way. That is why it is crucial to identify the main project drivers and define metrics that will allow you to measure those drivers. A properly designed KPI dashboard displays metrics of those key drivers in a meaningful way so that decision makers can take corrective actions as needed to manage resources in favor of accomplishing project goals.
In this session, Jeslin Varghese will start with defining project drivers, identifying key metrics, gathering & analyzing data from cost & resource loaded schedules. He will explore data visualization and designing visual dashboards. In conclusion, Jeslin will also share some of the challenges he faced and lessons learned from creating dashboards for multiple projects under the $11 billion East Side Access program, one of the largest infrastructure projects in the world.