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Understanding LEED v4 ID+C Inside and Out

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Gain a thorough understanding of the LEED v4 ID+C rating system and stay up to date! This course will analyze the difference between traditional buildings and high performance interiors as well as the background of the LEED ID+C rating system. Discuss common strategies used by project teams completing ID+C certification with the new LEED v4 while identifying documentation requirements and other important factors to be aware of. Finally, case studies will bring to life the concepts discussed through this course.

What you will learn

  1. Identify high performance interiors and outline how they differ from traditional interiors.
  2. Outline the LEED v4 ID+C rating system for Commercial Interiors
  3. Analyze prerequisites and credits including documentation requirements.
  4. Discuss common strategies used in implementing the LEED v4 ID+C rating system.

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