GBRI In-Person Exam Preparation & Training
Bringing LEED Exam Preparation to a Location Near You
Let our expert instructors help you earn or maintain your credentials! Green Building Research Institute’s Certified Instructor Network spans the world and provides access to quality in-person training for your LEED exam prep and sustainability education. View our locations and offerings below and register today!
*Not seeing your location or a convenient date available? Contact us at [email protected] for customized training opportunities for your organization.*

-In-person & On-demand Modules
-200+ practice test questions
-2 Simulated Mock Exams
-Flash cards & memory charts
-MP3 voice files

-In-person & On-demand Modules
-500+ practice test questions
-4 Simulated Mock Exams
-Flash cards & memory charts
-MP3 voice files

-In-person training coming soon
-500+ practice test questions
-4 Simulated Mock Exams
-Flash cards & memory charts
-MP3 voice files

-Live & On-demand Modules
-200+ practice test questions
-2 Simulated Mock Exams
-Flash cards & memory charts
-MP3 voice files
What's Right for Me ?
LEED Green Associate (GA) is the first step in establishing yourself as a serious green building professional whether you’re a student, recent graduate or a professional.
LEED AP Operations + Maintenance (O+M) suits professionals implementing sustainable practices, improving performance, heightening efficiency and reducing environmental impact in existing buildings through enhanced operations and maintenance.
LEED AP Building Design + Construction (BD+C) suits professionals with expertise in the design and construction phases of green buildings, serving the commercial, residential, education and healthcare sectors.
LEED AP Interior Design + Construction (ID+C) serves participants in the design, construction and improvement of commercial interiors and tenant spaces that offer a healthy, sustainable and productive work environment.
LEED AP Neighborhood Development (ND) applies to individuals participating in the planning, design and development of walkable, neighborhoods and communities.
important things you should know
Questions And Answers
LEED exams are scheduled by Prometric Testing Centers. Testing centers are typically open six days a week. Since all LEED exams are computer-based, you will find out your results of your exam instantly.
There are no prerequisites to take the LEED v4 exam. Everything you need is included in GBRI’s LEED Exam Prep Course Materials.
Veterans can take the LEED Exam for FREE. The Veterans Affairs (VA) will cover 100% of LEED Exam Fees for Veterans,Eligible dependents and Reservists who are looking to advance a career in the green building industry. Take GBRI (A USGBC Education Partner) LEED Exam Prep online or in-person at a location near you. You can learn more about the VA program here –
LEED Certification is for buildings. Buildings upon completion earn LEED Certification. LEED Accreditation is for individuals. Individuals who pass one of the LEED credentialing exams become LEED Accredited.
Everything you need is available through our on-demand portal 24×7. All you need is a computer or laptop or tablet with internet access